
COLORevolution Snaps

Here are a few snapshots from the installation which was finished up on Saturday. Sunday evening at 5 pm people started coming in drawn by the work on the walls and the live music provided by Jeff Baumeister on keyboards, Madison Rast on bass and Dan Monaghan on drums. We gave up on trying to keep count of all the folks there to enjoy the art, music, food and beverages. We were all very happy with the turnout and would like to thank everyone who visited.

Nic Coviello's installation in progress. David Foss catching a smoke and watching the happenings across the street at the TLA.

New work by Paul Behnke in the Project Space.

Jon Manteau touching up a work 20' off the floor in the lightwell.

Floor piece with assemblages and Take-Out paintings make up Vincent Romaniello's installation.

Rob Solomon pinning up the final pieces of his work in the upper level of Sage Projects. More photos later.

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